Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Masala Film

  • The main characteristics of the Masala Film.

The main characteristics of the Masala Films are:

  • Dancing
  • Songs
  • Costumes
  • Unreal sepial effects in action

these charecterristics are nowadays the main elements for the Bollywood Masala Films, without these Bollywood films are Incomplete for the viewers.

  • How do Bollywood Masala Films differ from the Narrative convention of Hollywood?

Different countries have different type of viewers in the Film sector. As films are one of the best entertainment source for the current world, the film makers try to make the film the way the target viewers wants to see. like- Bollywood movies do not contain a single pattern like Hollywood. In Bollywood, all the films contain dancing, songs, item numbers, unreal actions etc. which elements are must for the film makers to use in his film. And they do it to satisfy the target viewers. But in Hollywood, it is totally not necessary to use these elements that do not contains any relation with the story.

  • What is the significance of songs in a masala films?

Songs are like the most attractive part in a Bollywood Masala Film. They play a very important role in the film. People get attracted to the song and it gives the film more popularity and more earning. Different types of songs are being used in a single film in order to get more connection with the viewers. Recently a term called Item number is added. It is a special dance number that usually catches more viewers. Bollywood Films are incomplete without songs.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Power and Knowledge

Knowledge and Power are very closely related. In fact, they rely on each other deeply. A person, who is knowledgeable, is definitely powerful. "Enemy of the State" described this relation between knowledge and power in a very clear way.

"Enemy of the state" is an excellent thriller Directed by Tony Scott, staring Will Smith (Robert Dean), Gene Hackman
(Brill) and Jon Voight (Reynolds). In the film, lawyer, will smith was targeted by surveillance-and-gizmo-happy government agency, and was totally being ruined by taking away everything he had, even his career and family. They were searching for a CD that contained evidence of a murder done by government agents. Will smith did not have any clue that he had the CD. Therefore, when the agents charged him he could not say anything about the CD. Then the agents planned to spy on will smith and tried to find out the CD. When will didn't have anyone who can help him, Gene Hackman (Brill), an ex-agent, helped him to get out of the mess, and with his help will smith managed to turned the table on them.

In the movie the massage was very clear that when you don't have a proper knowledge you are weak, but when you gain the knowledge you become powerful.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Social Construction Of Reality

The term Renaissance means the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century.

Nicola Machiavelli was Born in May 3, 1469, in Florence, Italy; and died of illness in June 21, 1527, in Florence, Italy. He was an Italian statesman and political theorist. In fact Machiavelli is one of the most controversial figures of political history. He was also considered as Essayist, dramatist, historian, sketch writer, biographer, writer of novellas, and poet.

Nicola Machiavelli

Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke was a great social and political philosopher of the 18th century. He was born in Dublin, January 12. He wrote many popular books such as Reflection on the Revolution in France, Vindication of Natural Society, Philosophical inquiry in to the origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful etc. He was also one of the best political thinkers of 18th century in England. Burke died July 9, 1797, and was buried in a little church at Beacons field.

Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke

The term a priori means something that is based on hypothesis or theory rather than experiment, something that does not contain any evidence with it.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bangladeshi Urban Myths

  1. Having tea can make a persons skin darker.
  2. If a person dreams in the morning, it becomes true.
  3. When a person hear dogs barking at late night, the next day will be an unlucky one for him/her.
  4. If a bride wears black in her wedding ceremony, it brings bad luck for the couple in the future.
  5. If a person eats egg before his/her exam he/she gets a zero (egg) in the exam.

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Swastikam

The Swastikam/Swastika , also known as hackenkreuz, gamma cross, gammadion etc. is a 3,000 years old sign, which was a sign of good luck. The word "swastika" comes from the sanskrit "suastika"- "su" meaning "good", "asti" meaning "to be" and "ka" as a suffix. 1

The Swastikam is a very religious symbol for the Hindus and for the Buddhists, from the eastern countries of the world. This symbol is still being used widely in india. It is still considered as a good luck sign here, because of the religious terms. They also uses the sign in there temples.

In the western countries the meaning of the sign Swastika is totally different, in fact in western countries it means just opposite, here it stands for hate and bad luck. After world war II western countries started hating this swastika, because this sign was being used by the Nazis. It was adopted as the National Socialist Party of Germany in 1920. and came out as the most hated sign of the history of the mankind.

E. Phillips, a U.S. card publisher speaks for the universally high regard in which he said, "The swastika was held as a good luck token before use by the Nazis corrupted its meaning."

The meaning of the sign Swastika differs very much from the eastern countries to the western ones. for one part it is still a religious sign and a good luck sign, and for others, it is a sign of bad luck.

1: The History of theSwastika, by Jennifer Rosenberg.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wag the Dog

"Wag the dog" is such a great movie with lots of humor in it. It entertained us in a great deal and with that it gave us an important thought about the relation between politics and mass media. It showed us how mass media can create a new and fake story to get peoples attentions off from an old and true one. It showed us the power of mass media, how can it make a mass section of public to believe in some thing that never even existed. It showed us that mass media is the biggest source of information now-a-day. People have started believing that whatever mass media shows us that is true. With this power mass media has become the greatest point of attention for all the sectors, even for the political parties.

The film “Wag the Dog” is one of the best films that I’ve seen which contains must needed information for everyone. So it’s a movie everyone should watch.